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2025 Members

Mad Dog


Name: Donovan

Years Played: 2012-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: Nothing special, taken from a character in 'Back to the Future'

Baseball Experience:  T-ball and one year of coach pitch

Occupation:  Sales at Chelsea Lumber

No Show


Name: Greg

Years Played: 2012-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: It's a self deprecating nickname I gave myself for missing our first two practices as a team due to work obligations.  Plus, I wanted something unique.

Baseball Experience:  No baseball experience in the last 30 years

Occupation: Owns insurance agency in Plymouth, MI



Name: James

Years Played: 2012-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname:  Homage to brilliant yet taciturn Swedish Engineer-inventor grandfather

Baseball Experience:   Little League for two years, Company softball for four years.

Occupation: engineer-accident reconstruction



Name: Ben

Years Played: 2013-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: Given to me by my uncle as a kid.

Baseball Experience:  2 years of little league baseball until I started bowling, Played 1 season of softball in 2006.

Occupation: I work as a Powertrain OBD Technician at the Toyota Technical Center

Bone Shaker


Name: David

Years Played: 2018-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: I love to ride bicycles, and the bicycles of the 1860’s were known as Bone Shakers because the wheels used metal strips instead of rubber tires

Baseball Experience: I played little league as a kid and adult rec softball

Occupation: Middle School Science Teacher



Name: Bill

Years Played: 2018-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: Love visiting the many brewpubs in the state and the wide variety of beer. Former homebrewer hoping to start again. Ask me about how India Pale Ales got their name...

Baseball Experience: Sandlot baseball as a kid, coaching t-ball, little league, travel baseball

Occupation: Desktop Support manager at University of Michigan, 21 years




Name: Mitchell

Years Played: 2018-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: A nickname I received at work due to my background of being Native American, German and Scottish

Baseball Experience: Little League 

Occupation: Union Pipefitter


Sugar Plum


Name: Jason

Years Played: 2022-Current

No information can be found on Sugar Plum, we are pretty sure he is part of the witness protection program.  We assume he has a job.  He seems like he has played baseball before, but your guess is as good as ours.




Name: Rob

Years Played: 2022-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: 

Loved the baseball game of pepper played as a kid, older & wiser, and signifies life is not just black & white

Baseball Experience:  

Youth baseball until 13 yrs. old. Softball 18- ~35 yrs. old


UM Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences Facility Manager




Name: Colin

Years Played: 2023-Current

Meaning Behind Nickname: It comes from my favorite character in the movie Top Gun, and generally, my love for airplanes and aviation

Baseball Experience:  High school and travel league 

Occupation: Autonomous Vehicle Engineer


Janice Pearson (2012-2013) Tally Keeper

Mary Stankov (2013-2019) Tally Keeper

Darryl 'Foul Ball' Albright (2012-2018) Umpire

Bob 'Crankshaft' Wilker  (2012)

George 'Lefty' McQuistion  (2012)

Mark 'Sprocket' Olexa  (2012-2013)

Paul 'Toledo' Paliani  (2012-2013)

Brian 'Crawdad' Koval (2012-2014)

Tom 'Tomahawk' Covert (2013-2014)

John 'Sea Bass' Gouin (2012-2015)

John 'Wings' Lasecki (2012-2015)

Sean 'Dash' Myint (2013-2015)

Jason 'PeaceKeeper' Endyke (2014-2015)

Daniel 'Legs' Borener (2015)

Zach 'Copper' Allen (2015)

Brad 'Prospector' Oliver (2013-2014, 2016)

Jim 'Dandy' Novak (2015-2016)

Corey 'Detail' Symons (2016)

Brian 'Knuckles' Miller (2013-2017)

Sean 'Tater' Campbell (2016-2017)

Jason 'Pork Chop' Parson (2018)

Keith 'Stats' Perreault (2013-2018)

Darin 'Doughboy' (2015-2019)

Mark 'Stick' Eby (2017-2019)

Marc 'Knees' Stankov (2013-2020)

Chris 'Red' Stankov (2017-2022)

Jerry 'Hogwash' Paulissen (2013-2023)

Scott 'Koval' Weisbrod (2018-2024)

Eric 'Buckeye' Durliat (2012-2024)


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The Union Base Ball Club of Dexter operates as Dexter Historic Base Ball, an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit since 2017
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